Goonhammer Reviews ObjectiveCtrl

We are so pleased to share this very objective review of Objective Control and our game aids. We had a great opportunity to get Norman some objective markers and terrain footprints in both our clear and anti-glare materials as well as some tokens. I even had the pleasure of meeting Norm and shaking his handsome hand when we both were in NOVA. The article goonhammer released goes into detail on how our items stack up against the current GW standards.

“You can see above the comparison between both types of Objective Ctrl terrain bases (anti-glare on the left and standard on the right), and the GW Open plexiglass (top) here. It’s obvious right away that the Objective Ctrl terrain bases provide a much more visually defined footprint than the GW plexiglass, which is much appreciated. I cannot tell you how many times during this event that I either misjudged where the plexiglass was or completely missed it all together, something which didn’t happen once in our test game.”

We absolutely love that he called out how our footprints GREATLY increase visibility, especially in event settings where lighting is unpredictable. All though we do appreciate him hitting one of our main selling points, it’s unfortunate he never got to talk about our greatest feature which is our extremely low profile and durable materials.

Thank you again Goonhammer for your amazing help in getting us launched!


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